Benefits of Modular Construction

What is Modular Construction?

Modular construction is a product built off-site, in a controlled factory environment, by highly skilled individuals, applying calibrated equipment, using specific material, and designed to meet or exceed building codes and standards, saving up to 50% of production time. Buildings are produced in “modules”, that when put together on site, reflect the identical design intent and specifications of the most sophisticated site-built facility – without compromise.

Modular Construction Can Be Completed Faster

Lodestar modular units are manufactured in climate-controlled facilities and delivered to the construction site for immediate installation or can be staged on location awaiting installation. This process allows manufacturing to occur throughout the year and allows builders to schedule delivery and installation in the most efficient manner specific to each project. In most cases the complete structure is erected in one to three days.

Modular Controls Construction Time and Costs

The complexity of scheduling and managing multiple trades, equipment and supplies has the potential to result in unexpected costs, delays, and waste. Lodestar modular units allow builders to easily manage the process and provides the ability to advance the building process to framed and enclosed in a very condensed period, reducing exposure to weather related delays, and with reduced demand for labour or supplies. The efficiencies prevent unexpected costs from occurring, keeping the project on budget.

Modular Is Constructed in Controlled Environments

Lodestar modular units are manufactured in climate-controlled facilities and can be stored at a location awaiting installation. Production performed by dedicated highly skilled workers, under a controlled and monitored quality process, with assurance inspections at every step of production cycle. The completed units are put though a final multi-point inspection before being released from the production plant.

Modular Building Is Green

Lodestar modules provide a flat roof element which allows builders to re-purpose disrupted ground-level greenspace to the rooftop, eliminating the negative construction impact. Lodestar modular units are manufactured in regionally located climate-controlled factories where waste is reduced from the process by skilled employees, material tolerances are optimized using the proper tools in a controlled environment, and delivery distances are minimized.

Modular Provides Optimal Quality

The controlled manufacturing process provides assurance all products are manufactured under optimum temperature conditions, by highly trained and skilled workers, with automated mixture controls, and allowed to cure for a consistent period. Each step of the process is essential to ensure the finished product meets the highest quality control standards in the industry.

Modular Reduces Construction Noise and Time at the Building Site

A benefit of incorporating Lodestar modular units into the construction process is that it reduces the amount and length of construction noise produced by traditional onsite construction, and once the structure is enclosed the noise is further reduced. Reducing the length and volume of noise pollution is essential when building in densely populated areas and in noise sensitive areas.

Modular Reduces Demand for Skilled Labour on Site

Lodestar modular units are built offsite, reducing the demand on scheduling skilled labour at the job site. Reduced labour translates into reduced risk of injury, labour accidents, and reduced demand for supervisory duties. The reduced need for trades simplifies the responsibilities of the General contractor while reducing costs and construction delays.

The construction process advances quickly from footings to framed in structure, reducing the frequency of onsite inspections for construction, and building code compliance officials.

Modular Is Built Precisely and Uniformly Every Time

Lodestar modular units are manufactured to align precisely to other modular units. The production process is completed by highly skilled workers, under a controlled and monitored quality process, with assurance inspections at every step of production cycle.

Precast molds are engineered to specific standards, in a process that ensures all modules are produced to the same specifications. The benefit to the builder is that any two modules can be connected vertically or horizontally, without the need to coordinate specific modules.

Modular Reduces Building Materials

Traditional building methods produce waste, in materials and in time spent to prepare the materials for assembly. Lodestar modules are manufactured under carefully managed processes, using the exact volume of required components, removing wasted materials from the process. When Lodestar modules are delivered to the construction site, they are installed with a reduced amount of labour, and without excess material, further reducing waste. Reducing building material waste and assembly time, further eliminates associated expense.

Modular Requires Less Space at the Job Site for Material Storage

A common challenge on construction sites is secure storage and placement of supplies and related equipment, with consideration to the exposure to theft or being damaged. Builders can store Lodestar modules offsite until they are ready to be installed, with the option to have delivery and installation coordinated to occur in sync with each task. The process of building with Lodestar modules reduces the demand for skilled labour which in turn reduces the need for space for workers to occupy, space for construction equipment, and space for employee parking.

Modular Building Units Are Made of Fire-resistant Material

Unlike wood or steel, concrete does not burn, soften, or bend. Concrete structures are more likely to remain standing through a fire. As the infrastructure of the building, fire-resistance enhances safety and security during the construction process and of the finished product. The structure’s fire rating satisfies a higher level of fire code requirements, allowing for a more versatile use of the structure in more industry sectors.

Modular Construction Means Less Disruption

A benefit of incorporating Lodestar modules into the construction process is that it reduces the amount and length of construction noise produced by traditional onsite construction, and once the structure is enclosed the noise is further reduced. Reducing the length and volume of noise pollution is essential when building in densely populated areas and in noise sensitive areas. Infill construction can be completed with a minimal disruption to surrounding residents, and with minimal disruption to local traffic, saving both time and money required to obtain permits and dealing with complaints.

Modular Construction Reduces the Construction Schedule

Because off-site manufacturing of Lodestar modules occurs simultaneously with the site and foundation work, projects can be completed up to 50% sooner than traditional construction methods.

Modular Construction Eliminates Exposure to Weather Delays

Lodestar module manufacturing is completed in a factory environment, which mitigates the risk of weather delays. Modules are delivered on time, and can be installed immediately, creating a faster return on construction investment.

Safer Construction

The indoor manufacturing environment reduces the risks of accidents and related liabilities for workers. The on-site modular assembly process further reduces risks associated with traditional framing and roofing techniques by instantly achieving a series of construction stages, by positioning the module into position.

Modular Construction Offers Limitless Design Opportunities

Lodestar modules can be stacked and connected to create a limitless selection of design options, while providing unique rooftop patios and greenspaces. Lodestar module characteristics can be incorporated into unique designs or the modules can be completely concealed in the design. The finished building could provide unique and custom aesthetics or could simulate structures indistinguishable from traditionally counterparts.